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A school bus with a stop sign extended.

       PA School Bus Stopping Law

                 (Click Image)



What's happening in transportation?  Business (busy-ness) is happening as per usual for this time of the year.  We are elated that our routing software and Skyward are communicating well together; still not perfect yet, but definitely better. 


What you need to know.

  1. Last-minute changes make it difficult for everyone; us, the contractor, and the drivers.  It can also negatively impact other riders with last-minute time adjustments.  As always, when there are last-minute changes, it may become difficult for the two of us to handle each and every phone call and email as it gets incredibly overwhelming.  Please exercise patience.  If you waited until the last minute to make a change, it might require you to transport your child for the first day or two until we can get everyone accommodated.
  2. Check your student's portal for their transportation assignment.  When we make a change in the routing software for your child, that change will show up in their portal the next day.  This is why we are telling everyone to check your child's portal for time changes the day before and the day of the start of school.
  3. This year, you'll notice in the portal that multiple bus assignments will show up.  This is great; however, you do need to know it'll show each bus assignment for every single day when in reality they might only be riding a certain bus on M, W, & F.  Please know that what we have on our end in our routing software is correct and what we have is what is given to the contractors and drivers.   
  4. You cannot make changes to your child's transportation in the portal.  Changes can only be made by contacting the TSD Transportation Department by phone or email.
  5. Our preferred communication style - If there is something that we need to know, please email us.  This way we have any changes or concerns in writing.  This will benefit us and you for a number of reasons.
  6. Lastly, it is our desire that each and every child has a wonderful, safe, and blessed school year ahead.  We take safety very seriously.  Every child deserves a safe, kind, and uneventful ride to school.  We implore each family to desire the same and to work with us as issues arise.  Sadly, they always do.  By working together with the student's best interests at heart, we can truly make a difference in the lives of children.  


AM/PM Bus Stop Assignments/Emergency Bus Passes


Students in the Tuscarora School District may have a different address for their morning and afternoon bus stops as long as the pickup and drop-off sites are consistent over time and are located in the student’s school attendance area.  For example, your child may get off the bus each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at home.  On Tuesday and Thursday, he/she may get off the bus at a daycare provider if that provider is located in the child’s school attendance area.


If the need arises to change a child’s bus assignment for a period of time due to a temporary change in childcare or a work schedule change, the parent or guardian may request a bus assignment change by completing and submitting an EMERGENCY BUS PASS/CHANGE FORM. The form will then be approved or denied within 48 hours. This form is for emergencies OR permanent changes only!  If it is abused, then, unfortunately, the request will be denied. This form can be found by clicking on the form tab to the left of this page under forms for students and parents.


If an emergency situation requires a bus assignment change immediately, the parent may call the school and make the request.  The Transportation Director will be responsible for approving or denying emergency requests.  Emergencies include events such as a death in the family or a last-minute change in a parent’s work schedule. 


Tuscarora SD transports around 2,500+ students to and from school each day over the 180 days of the school year logging over 1.5 million miles annually. The District’s 201 square mile attendance area is covered using a transportation system consisting of 128 internal bus routes operated by eight separate contractors. This number does not include private school and special needs routes. Our schedule involves a two-tier system. Elementary schools are picked up first to arrive at school by 7:20 a.m. The buses then return to their routes and pick up secondary students to arrive before the 8:20 a.m. start of middle/high school. The same cycle reverses in the afternoon, with elementary schools releasing at 2:10 p.m. and secondary at 3:15 p.m.

Our district is fortunate to have a wealth of experience in our dedicated contractors and bus drivers. Some of our drivers have been driving a bus for over 30 years in the District. As you know, driving your car can be challenging, so imagine driving a 38-foot yellow bus filled with up to 72 young men and women, all with different ages and needs. When you speak with your child, ask them to imagine they are playing their favorite video game and 50 of their friends are behind them yelling, laughing, and throwing things. Ask them, "How well would you be able to focus on your favorite game?" This scenario helps the students to understand how distracting bad behavior can be on the bus. Of course, they would respond, "I wouldn't be able to focus." Our bus drivers are responsible for watching the road and other drivers and ensuring that the students obey the bus rules for everyone's safety. The drivers love your children and care about their well-being. It is the position of the Tuscarora School District that it is not unreasonable to expect students to remain seated, orderly, and under control on the bus ride to and from school. 

The District regularly reviews all bus routes and stops for efficiency. Naturally, we are looking at reducing miles to save direct contract costs along with environmental impact. We are also looking to save time. The hour between the elementary pickup and the secondary is tight for several buses, and JBHS routinely has late buses. Our goal is to develop an acceptable service level across the district by making sensible, safe route reductions or consolidating stops. With the price of fuel uncertain and the state of the economy even less certain, we must look for ways to be more efficient.

We greatly appreciate our parents' support and partnership in helping us provide a safe, orderly environment for the students and drivers while on the school bus.